ColumisDev enables the exchange of the world's most famous cryptocurrencies. You are given complete control over the purchasing process. All conditions are completely transparent. On our platform, you can quickly and easily buy and exchange cryptocurrencies in a secure way. In the next video, get acquainted with the Exchange process.
Payment Processor
ColumisDev Payment Processor is ideal for merchants who receive cryptocurrencies! No waiting, safe and reliable. You can receive payments from anywhere in the world, directly and without waiting for the transaction to be processed. You can exchange or convert the obtained cryptocurrencies into EUR/USD. See the video for an explanation of how to register your business on the ColumisDev Payment Processor:
ColumisDev Card allows you to directly spend your cryptocurrencies and pay with them contactless and online or withdraw them from ATMs that support MasterCard. This card enables payment with cryptocurrencies in all countries of the world. See in the video how to order a card: